Development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education class model based on creative problem-solving
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Addressing the need for enhanced capabilities to respond to scientific and technological innovation requires promoting the expansion of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, which fosters real-world problem-solving skills and integrative thinking abilities. This advocacy necessitates a demand for changes in traditional educational methods. Thus, invigorating integrated education classes necessitates moving away from conventional teaching approaches and adopting student-centered instruction. Institutions can implement student-centered teaching methods in various forms, including discussion-based classes, case-based learning, problem-based learning, team-based learning, and creative problem-solving approaches. Therefore, this study develops a creative problem-solving-based integrated education model to assist current educators in effectively implementing a student-centered approach. The study confirmed the validity of the creative problem-solving-based integrated education model through the following satisfaction ratings (each score out of five): (1) learning guide: 4.57, (2) ice-breaking and team building: 4.53, (3) problem identification phase: 4.61, (4) problem-solving phase: 4.54, (5) solution implementation phase: 4.63, and (6) comprehensive review: 4.75.
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