Effects of Self-Evaluation and Peer Feedback on L2 Learners’ Improvement in Public Speaking Performance

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Rida Farah
Mun-Hong Choe


This study examined the effects of self-evaluation and peer feedback on the improvement of public speaking performance among students learning English as a foreign language. Three intact classes at a high school were assigned to one of three formative assessment conditions: self-evaluation (N = 30), peer feedback (N = 32), and teacher assessment (N = 30), in order to compare the effectiveness of student-led autonomous and reciprocal assessments with the traditional teacher-assessment approach. Participants also completed the L2 Selves Survey and the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale before and after a 12-week instructional period. The results indicated that the type of assessment significantly influenced performance improvement and anxiety reduction but did not bring about differential effects on motivation. Specifically, the self-evaluation and teacher-assessment groups showed greater improvements in speech performance and lower levels of anxiety compared to the peer-feedback group. The findings suggest that self-evaluation, when implemented properly, can enhance students’ self-awareness and autonomy in their learning process, making it as effective as teacher assessment in fostering speaking skills. The study also recommends the need for teachers to be mindful of the potential discomfort or anxiety that peer feedback may evoke, particularly when distrust and relationship bias are of concern in the classroom setting.

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Multilingual Education


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