Academic Control Ability as a Predictor of Life Satisfaction in Adolescents
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The objective of this study is to investigate the longitudinal impact of adolescents' academic control ability on their life satisfaction. Using latent growth modeling, we analyzed data from the Korean Children & Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) conducted by the National Youth Policy Institute, focusing on the 4th-grade cohort (V-VII). Our findings reveal the following: Firstly, at the 8th grade, higher academic control ability among adolescents correlates with increased life satisfaction (β = 0.468, p < .001). Secondly, during the 8th-10th grades, improvements in academic control ability correspond to a positive rise (β = 0.498, p < .001) in life satisfaction. Thirdly, for students with high academic control ability at the 8th grade, there is a minor influence (β = -.111 p < .08) on life satisfaction during the 8th-10th grade period. Although this study is limited by its reliance on self-reported data and the use of a sample restricted to a Korean population, it nonetheless addresses its academic significance and implications while accounting for these constraints.
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